IRIS NextGen I/O Board

Legacy HIDAS
INPUT/OUTPUT Real Time Interface System
The IRIS NextGen I/O Board is not only an evolution of COMPRO's renowned Human Interface Data Acquisition System (HIDAS) boards, but a technological leap providing unprecedented performance at much lower implementation and maintenance costs. IRIS is a state-of-the-art technology with modern electronic components that are widely used in the market.
The system is compact, modular and based on a Master-Slave architecture.
Some of the technologies employed are: I²C bus, AVR microcontrollers, SPI protocol, CRC32 error checking and USB connection.
IRIS I/O System Architecture
It is possible to connect up to 127 devices for a Master-Slave arrangement, with boards of different types and applications.
Among them are the digital I/O cards, with a capacity of 39 discrete channels working with +5 or +28 Volts DC signals.
Analog input boards are 10-bit precision capable of 16 channels operating in the ranges 0 to +5 Volts DC or -15 to +15 Volts DC.
The analog output boards have 8 bits of precision with capacity for 4 channels operating in the range of -10 to +10 Volts DC.
In addition, the system has encoder boards with 4 channels each and PWM boards with 15 channels each.